Quantum Physics and Cosmology
Caution! The best way to ensure that all mathematical symbols appear as they should is to download the pdf files and then open them with Adobe reader. Some versions of the browser-integrated reader are prone to loose several symbols, for example tildes, which makes the message senseless in some cases. Be aware of printing and numerical errors, shortcomings of presentation etc. All papers were unedited when first published, some have now been edited.
In order to facilitate up-to-date access via search engines the order of the manuscripts has been time-inverted. There were typically about 2000 hits per month, 85 percent of which were by direct request. Thanks for your interest!
April 2024: Motivated by the recent results and a certain increase of traffic on this site I have started to edit the papers. Even with one paper per week it would take more than half a year!
Last updated on Fab. 28, 2025
37. Light and Matter Seen With the So Simple Derivation of the Lorentz Factor That Explains (Almost) Everything (pdf, 2.0 Mb) ........ (published on Feb. 28, 2025).....
36. Reshaping the Electron.........Once More (pdf, 1.5 Mb) ........ (published on Dec. 22, 2024).....
35. The Remarkable Apparent Stoichiometry of Particle Creation at the Universes Relativistic Horizon (pdf, 0.526 Mb) ........ (published on Feb. 5, 2024).....
34. How the Relativistic Redshift May Help Clarify the Universes Geometry (pdf, 0.64 Mb) ........ (published on Dec. 10, 2023).....
33. New Light on Old Light - Reinterpreting the Cosmological Redshift as a Rotation at the Observers Matter - Signalwave Interface (pdf, 0.38Mb) ........ (published on June 30, 2023).....
32. The Probability of an Encounter Involving an Intermediary (pdf, 0.54Mb) ........ (published on June 30, 2023).....
31. Exploring the Nuclear Physics of Factorizing the Planck Length (pdf, 0.75Mb) ........ (published on Aug. 26, 2022).....
30. A New Universe Emerging From the Old Electron and a Better Electron Emerging From the Good Old Universe (pdf, 0.4Mb) ........ (published on Feb. 16, 2022).....
29. The Irresistibly Interesting World of Equal Number Proton - Neutron Resonance Cavities (pdf, 0.8Mb) ........ (published on Nov. 10, 2021).....
28. What Is a Photon and Where Is Lights Momentum In an Onboard Laser? (pdf, 1Mb) ........ (published on Aug 3, 2020).....
27. The Case of the Fifth, Non-Local Dimension - Unveiled by Fundamentals of Light-Matter Interactions. (pdf, 480kb) ........ (published on Dec 4, 2019).....
26. Some Fascinating Consequences of Replacing Special Relativity With a Concrete Physical Mechanism Using Maxwells Relativistic Equations. (pdf, 361kb) ........ (published on July 22, 2019).....
24. deBroglies Speculations and the Big Bang House of Cards. (pdf, 168kb) ........ (published on Nov. 26, 2018).....
23. How the Planck Distribution Could Once Again Turn a Page in Physics By Addressing Instant Communication and the Dark Matter Enigma as a Hubble Field of Vacuum Energy. (pdf, 197kb) ........ (published on Nov. 8, 2018).....
22. . . the Literature has not been accepted - A Critical Account of the Foundations of Contemporary Cosmology and an Alternative Quantitative Model of the Universe, Galaxies, the Solar System, the Atom and Signal Transmision (pdf, 221kb) ........ (published on Jun. 25, 2018).....
21.Characteristics of a One-Dimensional Universe Spanned Between a Local and a Non-Local Observer (pdf, 200kb) ........ (published on Aug. 14, 2016).....
20. From Atom to Universe in a 1 + 0 -Dimensional Word (pdf, 137kb) ........ (published on May. 10, 2016)..... ( Edited in April 2024, now with the derivation of the universe's line increment)
19. Non-Locality, Copernicus’ Principle, the Density of CMBR, and a Quantitative Relation between the Hubble Rate, the Planck Length and Ground State Dynamics. (pdf, 293kb) ........ (published on Feb. 19, 2015)..... ( Edited in April 2024, now with the gravitational constant in terms of resonance boson mass as in paper No. 35 above)
18. Exploring the Edge of the Universe In a Spacecraft Made of One Hydrogen Atom (pdf, 204kb) ........ (published on May 19, 2012).....
17. 10:th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Bohr-Dirac Quantum Universe (pdf, 299kb) ........ (published on Dec. 12, 2011).....
16. Two Worlds in One - New Physics on Old Pillars. (pdf, 268kb) ........ (published on Aug. 2, 2011).....
15. Geometry and Particle Number of the Bohr-Dirac Universe. (pdf, 199kb) ........ (published on Dec. 20, 2010 with minor corrections on Jan 4, 2011).....
14. Reflections on the Origin of the Cosmic Background Radiation in the Quantum Universe versus Big Bang Cosmology. (pdf, 179kb) ........ (published on June. 21, 2010).....
13. Quantitative Analysis of Atom and Particle Data Yields the Cosmological Expansion Rate in the Form of a Vacuum Instability. (pdf, 184kb) ........ (published on May. 15, 2010)..... ( Edited in April 2024 !)
12. Hadron Spectroscopy by Reference to a Periodic Energy. (pdf, 376kb) ........ (published on Feb. 07, 2009 including software, to download software from within pdf, hold down Ctrl and left click!).....
11. Observational Evidence of a One-Dimensional Universe Comprising a Non-Local Frame. (pdf, 208kb) .....Yes, if it is non-local.... (published on Aug. 26, 2008)....and, that point out there flashing from 13.7 billion years ago is supposed to be the same point anywhere you look, so what's the difference? ...even Socrates could have known the shortest distance between two points is a line if he had postponed his thinking about society until 200 years later.
10. Rethinking Thermal Radiation by Using Its Mathematical Form in Gene Kinetics, Cognitive Psychology, and Economics. (pdf, 240kb) .....but back to a hotter topic, some claim it's not physics.....or is it all physics?.... Is statistics a physical process anyway? (1999-2005, republished here on Jan 31, 2008).
9. 10.000 Universes or Two Observers? -Spiriting Away the Universe's Missing Mass. (pdf, 96kb) .....and, abracadabra, that's where the missing mass must mess..... (Uploaded on June 26, published on June 28, 2007).
8. Exploring the Physicality of Physical Units in a One-Dimensional Universe. (pdf, 144kb) A narrow-minded one-way observer may actually reckon with more than six dimensions, some local and others non-local..... (Published on Dec 9, 2006). Improved tabulation of signatures from paper 16 (Aug. 14, 2011)
7. Attempts at Systematizing the Masses of the Elementary Particles - Focus on 3.6 GeV. (pdf, 274kb, published on Sept 10, 2006) Why are there massive particles, some stable, others not? Tired of waiting for the Higgs particle? Looking truly for the Universe's tuning frequency?..... Then set all stable matter at pi/2 relative to the cosmological line increment defined by the resonance particles - In other words, take just one step beyond the Standard Model and then get back to the laboratory frame: Chances are better than 1-1/441 you have explained the absolute mass scale of all matter in the Universe! Download Information: MassQuantizer, Ver. 1.0 (130 kB, Sept. 10, 2006) is no longer available here but has been upgraded to Ver. 2.0 (230 kB, published on March 31, 2009). Ver. 2.0 (Tutorial, MassQuantizer, Ver. 2.0), which yields the correct phase, is available via a link in paper 12 below.
6. Geometry of the Universe and the Hydrogen Atom. (pdf, 133kb) ....at it, swing the whole universe around the expansion rate to log on to its vacuum energy. (Published on June 16, 2005).
5. The First Arbitrary Event. (pdf, 123kb) ....Relax and wait for anything to happen, it might well be the Planck distribution, ..and it is, ... provided the geometry is that of the primordial hydrogen atom, the first stable matter ever. (Published on May 10, 2005). While.......
4. Evidence of Resonance between the W-boson and the Apparent Cosmological Expansion Rate. (pdf,114kb) ....Catch the W and the Z in the Hubble-bubble and Pick Some Goodies in the Higgs-rigs... (Published on Dec 12, 2004)
3. Factorization of the Planck Length in Terms of a Line Increment of the Order of Hubble's Constant and Magnetic Charge (Edited!) (pdf, 106kb) Like fishing? Throw out a Hydrogen atom into the universe and catch the cosmological expansion rate.... (Published on Aug 31, 2004, edited on June 20, 2014) Original 2004 version
2. Space-Time Dimensionality of Plain Physical Observation (pdf, 124kb) Modern physics is almost 100 years old. Should it be disassembled because of ideas in 18:th century philosophy? To find the answer, just follow that old prescription and make the elusive "Ding an sich" space-like separated and non-local..... (Published on Aug 31, 2004)
1. Calculation of Cosmological Observables from Constants of Nature (Edited!) (pdf, 119kb) Why is the energy density of the cosmic background radiation so close to Planck's constant? Because the cosmological expansion rate might be a constant of nature! Get the Hubble constant, the universe's extension, its matter content, and the density of CBR directly from constants of nature! (published on March 15, 2005 (revised from 2003 version), edited and republished on July 5, 2014). Original 2005 version
Compilation of Articles 1-6: Digits Chasing the Elusive. (pdf, 310kb) Articles 1-6 above, edited with typographical and similar corrections for non-profit scientific research purposes. (eqv. of Part II of e-book "Reaching for the Universe" at the end of this page, Published on Nov. 30, 2005).
Research Background in Quantum Physics and Cosmology. (html, 2.5kb, published on March 25, 2004)
E. Cerven, All Rights Reserved. This web-page will be maintained for
the foreseeable future. Revised version numbers of the papers are not